osamu is the product of a japanese father and a jewish mother. talk about good breeding! professional party guy around LA, part-time deejay, sometime model and all-out wisecracking gangster.
persian lady of la brea aka maral was born in iran but today resides in LA. she divides her time between charming clientele under zoe's supervision at famed vintage boutique golyster and studying pattern-making.
its all about covering up really, isn't it? the only similarity between the two, a brown felt hat. first up, a young lady spotted at the rosebowl flea markets (featured on style.com earlier this month). and bottom, parisian icon of all things "major and official" stylist catherine baba shows us to work it frenchie-style.
because teaming your shirt color with a headscarf of the same shade is totally chic. particularly when teamed with a cane. its all very fellini-esque this look in los angeles that older women sport so well. its borderline "juliet of the spirits." watch the video below to see what i mean...
be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. years ago when i was in new york city i visited the famous dakota building where they shot rosemary's baby. i was well into polanski films, but maybe even moreso now that i think about it, this was around the time i started watching and really appreciating all the films of john cassavetes. several days before i had seen this really incredible film called "minnie & moskowitz" with gena rowlands and seymour cassel (see video below). on my last day in new york, i passed a man who i swore was seymour cassel. he had the moustache and everything. but when i called "hey seymour" on the street, the stranger didn't respond. fast forward several years, here i am in la and who do i pass in santa monica last week-end? the man himself, seymour cassel.
if you want to talk classic beauty in cinema then lets discuss italian 50's and 60's. when i spotted this young girl several weeks ago in santa monica i nearly tripped over as her look immediately reminded me of claudia cardinale back in the day. and to top it off when she accepted to have her photo taken she even spoke with an accent. call me crazy, but if i didn't know better i'd say claudia cardinale's got herself a doppelganger roaming the street's of los angeles. check out their similarities...
meet tatsuya, a vintage clothes buyer for his store in LA named kyoei. i spotted him at the rose bowl markets last sunday and was instantly impressed by his savvy-knack for sporting overalls in a mega-stylish manner.
versatility is an important attribute to have for any young woman today. and nobody knows that better than our little lady joy, pictured here in a classic vintage floral number and again, several weeks ago, in a little black dress. i don't know her so well, but she works for this sneaker emporium called union, so its my bet that she is surrounded by testosterone and trainers most days. in order to survive that, she would surely have to be the kind of girl who can hold her own in any situation and for that i salute her.
just your average sunday morning at rosebowl flea markets in pasadena as a young stud who appreciates vintage sneakers, stussy t-shirts and the color lime green poses obligingly...
lady of all things clever and witty, laurie pike knows a thing or two about twirling on the streets of LA and paris, respectively. when she's not decked out in rick owens (she used to work with him back in the day), the los angeles magazine style editor works that pristine LA look of hers about town whilst turning heads incessantly thanks to her mind-boggling resemblance to raven-haired beauties cate blanchett and lucille ball. not even pulitzer prize winners can attract attention like she can. work it girlfriend!
introducing kris moyes. he's a director. the kind of guy you like to can make jokes with, as well as attempt impersonations, and in general out-do one another in the game of "who can be the bigger dork?" its one thing to say you never forget a face, but its another to say you're bad with names. don't forget this one: kris moyes. he just shot a music video named "buttons" by sia which is creating mayhem and has a bunch of other stuff set to unveil shortly. new director whiz-kid in effect. maxi-creative and an all-round funny guy.
i think i was so impressed by this girl's evident appreciation for textile and print, teamed with her super-suspicious look here in this photo, it slipped my mind to ask her name. she's a definite beauty. what an expression! so hesitant and childlike. this would make for a great character study.
i met renata last week at the moss store opening on melrose avenue (she works for the PR company who handled the event). after being introduced to her i immediately asked about her dress. "its vintage" she said. "of course it is" i responded. then i took a closer look at her gold-plated necklace. she told me it was her name in hebrew.
imee works at a sneaker store by the beach named undefeated. this girl is without a doubt a rare gem in this here city of angels. she reminds me of the kind of woman paul gauguin used to paint in tahiti. or the kind marlon brando fell in love with in french polynesia.
now here's a humble guy with good looks, cultivated manners, a smile worthy of a toothpaste ad campaign and an interesting looking key ring. i know practically nothing about this man except for the fact that his surname is petit, his t-shirt was given to him by his friend named deborah and he is a member of some hot shot interior design group named "the archers." his face reminds me of clark gable.
this is jeremy scott, the designer who once upon a time called kansas home. then he moved to paris and pretty much played a pivotal role in the amplifying the fashion scene over there during the late 90's. that was then, this is now. today he calls LA home. i'm quite speechless at this expression he's got going on in this photo. lets sum it up as exhaustion shall we (he's currently working on his ready to wear collection which will be unveiled in paris early october).
pr guru of LA. man about town with a super-sweet demeanour and a penchant for cocktails. henri gives new meaning to the expression "talk the talk and walk the walk." his mother should be proud.
multi-tasking writer / PR / photojournalist / creative consultant. formerly paris & L.A-based now melbourne local. capturing fleeting visions, comical characters, cultural influences and anything that echoes the spirit that is www.delinleedelovely.com. working with: W magazine, the new york times, vogue, the daily beast, purple diary, harper's bazaar, elle, apartamento, www.style.com, V, LOVE, paper, vogue nippon, nylon, grazia, i-d, new york magazine...